These pictures are supposed to be the last ones to show how the summer has pooped them out but my blogging skills are lacking. The following pictures will you show you how!!

Still waiting.... By the way, this is Brodie's surfer shirt. He is really into right now and wore it 4 days in a row. I finally convinced him it was time for a new shirt but I am sure it is not the last we will see of this one.

We finally decided to let Brodie do a sparkler somewhat half in-half out of the garage. He of course had a great time!

I caught a rare moment of affection from the boy's right before we are about to have a game of baseball. You can see all the "gear" to the right. How cute is this!!

Brodie getting ready to go swimming in his spiderman get up. Notice the shirt is one of my old Brownie shirts. Since it has a number on it he thinks it is a baseball shirt and I really don't have the heart to tell him otherwise.

Thanks to their cousins Alex and Braden, the handed down gator has been a big hit. It was a little scary at first with the driving but we are so proud of Brodie and his skills. Pretty impressive for a 3 year old! Jay Baker just loves to ride along. He makes sure to always wave at me as they pass by.

The Atkin's family brought over a very fun toy. The kid's loved it. I might add I tried it out the next day and it truly is as fun as it looks!!

Whoo-hoo!!! Belly time!

Picnic time

One pair of goggles was just not enough!!

Here are Bro and JB dressed up for church. They look so handsome!!
Jay Baker likes to be the catcher. He is so cute. He just gets right up behind Brodie and gets down on the ground like this.